MP pre-board question papers for classes 10 and 12 leaked: Here is what has happened

Question papers for classes 10 and 12 pre-board exams in Madhya Pradesh leaked on social media platforms days before exams, raising concerns about exam security. Despite officials minimizing the impact, critics argue it undermines the credibility of the system. Previous incidents suggest a recurring issue.

​Question papers for classes 10 and 12 pre-board exams in Madhya Pradesh leaked on social media platforms days before exams, raising concerns about exam security. Despite officials minimizing the impact, critics argue it undermines the credibility of the system. Previous incidents suggest a recurring issue. Question papers for classes 10 and 12 pre-board exams in Madhya Pradesh leaked on social media platforms days before exams, raising concerns about exam security. Despite officials minimizing the impact, critics argue it undermines the credibility of the system. Previous incidents suggest a recurring issue.  

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