TSBIE Inter-practical exam 2025 admit card released: Direct link to download here

The Telangana Board of Intermediate Education (TGBIE) has released hall tickets for the upcoming Intermediate practical exams, scheduled from February 3 to February 22. Theory exams for first-year students start on March 5, while second-year exams begin on March 6. Candidates can download their admit cards from the official website by entering their login details and following the given steps.

​The Telangana Board of Intermediate Education (TGBIE) has released hall tickets for the upcoming Intermediate practical exams, scheduled from February 3 to February 22. Theory exams for first-year students start on March 5, while second-year exams begin on March 6. Candidates can download their admit cards from the official website by entering their login details and following the given steps. The Telangana Board of Intermediate Education (TGBIE) has released hall tickets for the upcoming Intermediate practical exams, scheduled from February 3 to February 22. Theory exams for first-year students start on March 5, while second-year exams begin on March 6. Candidates can download their admit cards from the official website by entering their login details and following the given steps.  

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