BPSC 70th CCE retest for selected candidates begins in Patna

A retest for 12,000 candidates from the Bihar PSC’s December 13 exam, amid question paper leak allegations, began Saturday at 22 centres in Patna. The exam, held for the 70th Combined Competitive Examination, is taking place under strict guidelines to ensure safety. Around 8,200 candidates had downloaded admit cards by the exam’s start.

​A retest for 12,000 candidates from the Bihar PSC’s December 13 exam, amid question paper leak allegations, began Saturday at 22 centres in Patna. The exam, held for the 70th Combined Competitive Examination, is taking place under strict guidelines to ensure safety. Around 8,200 candidates had downloaded admit cards by the exam’s start. A retest for 12,000 candidates from the Bihar PSC’s December 13 exam, amid question paper leak allegations, began Saturday at 22 centres in Patna. The exam, held for the 70th Combined Competitive Examination, is taking place under strict guidelines to ensure safety. Around 8,200 candidates had downloaded admit cards by the exam’s start.  

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