CBSE 2025: Exams to be cancelled for students caught using electronic devices or spreading rumors, check official notice here

The CBSE has issued a notice on examination ethics for Class 10 and 12 board exams starting February 15, 2025. Schools must inform students, parents, and officials about penalties for unfair means, including exam cancellations for using electronic devices or spreading rumors. The notice lists permitted items like admit cards and stationery and barred items like communication devices and textual materials.

​The CBSE has issued a notice on examination ethics for Class 10 and 12 board exams starting February 15, 2025. Schools must inform students, parents, and officials about penalties for unfair means, including exam cancellations for using electronic devices or spreading rumors. The notice lists permitted items like admit cards and stationery and barred items like communication devices and textual materials. The CBSE has issued a notice on examination ethics for Class 10 and 12 board exams starting February 15, 2025. Schools must inform students, parents, and officials about penalties for unfair means, including exam cancellations for using electronic devices or spreading rumors. The notice lists permitted items like admit cards and stationery and barred items like communication devices and textual materials.  

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