In a fresh email, Trump and Musk demand answers from federal workers: ‘What did you do last week?’

President Trump and Elon Musk are intensifying efforts to hold federal workers accountable, requiring them to submit weekly updates detailing their accomplishments. This follows a previous email that saw a low response rate, with less than half of federal workers engaging. The second round of emails, now coming from individual agencies, demands compliance by Monday each week. This move is part of a larger push to streamline government operations and potentially reduce staffing levels.

​President Trump and Elon Musk are intensifying efforts to hold federal workers accountable, requiring them to submit weekly updates detailing their accomplishments. This follows a previous email that saw a low response rate, with less than half of federal workers engaging. The second round of emails, now coming from individual agencies, demands compliance by Monday each week. This move is part of a larger push to streamline government operations and potentially reduce staffing levels. President Trump and Elon Musk are intensifying efforts to hold federal workers accountable, requiring them to submit weekly updates detailing their accomplishments. This follows a previous email that saw a low response rate, with less than half of federal workers engaging. The second round of emails, now coming from individual agencies, demands compliance by Monday each week. This move is part of a larger push to streamline government operations and potentially reduce staffing levels.  

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